
Welcome to RJ-Gu’s homepage! I’m Rongjian Gu, a college student in USTC. This is a simple blog of mine, where I record some ideas and experiences.

On the left are shortcuts you may find helpful.

  • About is a short introduction of me, and CV will be accessible to be downloaded someday. Now CV can be downloaded!
  • You can find essays and articles within Archives and Categories. Articles are sorted in order of time in Archives, while in Categories they are categorized.

This blog is constructed with Hexo and NexT.

Please have fun here!


eg. 推荐系统中:基于内容的推荐是无法捕获用户偏好的,可以考虑LLM改进。


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因为AI Agents需要处理各种各样的情况,LLM就会作为Agents的一种重要的底层模型。在这个框架下,LLM需要得到多方面的提升才能在Agents中发挥作用。记忆就是其中重要的一部分,Agents需要特定的记忆机制来确保其能够正确的处理复杂的任务,应用之前的策略。此外,这样也能帮助Agents适应陌生的环境。

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最近vmware workstation出17版本了,加上之前Ubuntu磁盘管理出了一些问题,识别不到虚拟机新分配的硬盘空间,于是打算重装一下Ubuntu,记录一下过程。

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